
Classroom Management System

Traditional CMS solutions are often rigid and require the institution to conform to the software, rather than the software meeting the needs of the classroom. Kode Nu designed and purpose-built a full-stack solution that met the needs of Bloom.

About the Client

Bloom is a modern learning and tutoring center for three to five year olds based in Chino Hills, California. Before opening their flagship location in April 2022, they needed a digital platform to manage class registration, parent notifications, self-service attendance check-in, and recurring billing needs. In working collaboratively with the client throughout the design and development phases, we built a cohesive solution that included web, mobile, and kiosk-based components to deliver on their requirements.

The Technology

With no prior system or data to migrate from, we had the liberty to select a technology stack that allowed for rapid prototyping and simplified deployments. C# and ASP.NET Core were chosen to power the REST API, React for the customer-facing portal and staff management console, and Swift for a self-service kiosk and iOS app. Additional services, such as serverless functions, were written with Python.

Microsoft Azure was used for hosting the development, testing, and production environments.

Because tuition collection was a requirement, we advised the client on selecting Stripe as their payment processor and handled the full implementation and integration of the account.


To address the needs of tracking student attendance, we developed a wall-mounted kiosk that allows parents & guardians to check their student both in and out using their smartphone.

By utilizing an iPad, an integrated barcode scanner, digital identification cards using Apple Wallet, and real-time push notifications to staff when students arrive, keeping attendance records is a fully automated and streamlined process.


Kiosk check-ins



In the first two years of being deployed in production, the platform has been used by hundreds of users and has proved successful in satisfying the original requirements of the project. Quality of life improvements are being made continually, but the numbers already speak for themselves:


Classes published


Registrations processed


Kiosk check-ins